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Morphological Institute Canada
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A Better Way to
Systematic Problem Solving

Published by the
Morphological Institute Canada

Innovation methods in practical applications

Innovation as a result of problem definition and solving has been under research at many places in the world. Germany (East and West) and Russia were especially effective in research. Nevertheless, many of their findings were too theoretical in their approach.
A different way was through research done in the psychological field. The missing link of practice - especially in the industrial and corporate world tended to result in a form of creativity which produced lots of answers, unfortunately too often of no real value.
Kick out fuzzy divergence / convergence "methods" and meaningless "lateral thinking"! Get real, hard tools that break through. Use the Creative Morphological Approach. Simply learn Morphological Creativity. Then take off where other's are stuck.
The purpose of these three *.htm pages is to allow WEBSITE VISITORS to take a glance at just one example taken from the Creative Morphological Approach. This example shows - if you think it through carefully - how a result is found without fail. It is impossible not finding the solution. A real world example is also shown, using the same method. This also shows that solutions can employ the "butterfly effect". This means that a small change at some place can have an extreme change at a different place.
Readers are invited to send comments to the author. Especially comments as to the strength of the single method shown are an important part of your response. The Creative Morphological Approach is a complete system of interrelated methodologies whose power is larger than the sum of the single methods.
Please click on the image
 move to the evaluation example to move to the method evaluation example 9P.

This page last updated January 2005
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