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Morphological Institute Canada -- Where Innovation Matters

An inhumane organization starves efficiency.

This page mentions some special focus seminars. The standard seminar on innovation covers every item, but only a small, though important part of what a special focus seminar will cover. Special seminars are usually tailored to the need of the organization, enhancing a standard innovation seminar as an ongoing improvement process.

Elements of an Organization

An enterprise is a system consisting of people. Structures in an enterprize are interlaced. Some are of a more functional nature, others reflect more the power structure, the hierarchy. There are also informal structures. Functional structures are related to mission statements, and in functional descriptions of certain positions of people. A Leadership Guide should cover details which are valid for any function. These documents must be generated by the people concerned, else they might not be applied. External help may assist in clarifying what is to go into these description, but should not replace the thinking of the people concerned. Systematic Innovation includes the neccessary elements to be applied. Guidance and coaching is recommended. Inquire via Contents Page / Contacts or even better, fill in the Inquiry Form provided there.

Who needs to learn continuously?

Leaders need to recognize how the difference between authority and authoritative, and too much or too little slack influences their success in leading people. The Morphological Institute Canada offers special workshops geared to these matters.

Developing the Mission of the Enterprise

The morphology of a mission statement has the following elements in its structure:

The Morphological Institute Canada offers special inhouse workshops geared to these matters.

Descriptions of Staff Functions

Systematic Innovation is applicable to describing and structuring staff functions. The seminar will describe some of this structure. It is recommended to have special sessions for developing functional description, through the Morphological Institute.

The Process of Leading - Operational Concerns

Systematic Innovation will describe the morphology of leadership states. It is recommended to employ a morphologist to actually structure a leadership process. There is not sufficient time for this important matter within a standard seminar focused on innovation.

Decision Processes

Systematic Innovation will cover decision processes to a reasonable extent, suitable for the seminar. However, organizations should take advantage of the integrality of the morphological approach to process structuring. This will guarantee organizing decision structures in an appropriate way. Some highlights covered in this special seminar: Decision processes; Communicating decisions; Hierarchical interlaced structures of decision processes; dynamic planning; safety aspects of decisions. Avoiding decision chains leading into a catastrophe.

The Innovation Process

It lies in the nature of humans to err. Errors are normal during an innovation process. It is therefore important to organize the structure of an innovation process in such a way that errors are caught before they cause cost. The subject will be covered to some extent in a standard innovation seminar. The morphology of innovation processes may look like this:

  1. The term "innovation"
  2. Initiatiating an innovation
  3. Impossibilities
  4. Impregnating catastrophes
  5. Methods for the innovation process

Building an Integral Organization

In a seminar specially geared to building an integral organization, the following points will be covered:

  1. Differential and integral view
  2. Why and how an non-integrated organization produces catastrophic errors
  3. Creative methodology as an integrating set of tools
  4. The role of leaders in staff levels in a large organization
  5. Integral leadership

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This page last updated January 2005

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