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Morphological Institute Canada -- Where Innovation Matters

Elements of the Innovative Mind

This page shows why the most basic element of innovation is a person's state of mind. The mind is the greatest power house, and the highest stumbling block for innovation processes. This page indicates only a few of the elements related to an innovative mind. Performance of these elements is worked on during a Systematic Innovation seminar, and sometimes repeated during coaching.

Task forces coached in Systematic Innovation will become masters in innovation.

Morphological Table of the Innovative Mind
1. Interest Level Fascination Disinterest Care Level
2. Recognition Familiarity Strangeness Fear Level
3. Reaction Open mind.
Closed Mind.
4. Mind control Fear control Automatic
5. Results Progress Deadlock Success ?

This table shows extreme states. In a typical environment, these states vary gradually, with the subject, and with the "time of day". The states of points 1-4 define the state of outcome: 5. Results.

Though a closed mind tends to get into the way of progress, the closed state of the mind can be a temporary necessity to stabilize the system. People are not ill when they shut themselves off from the world, other opinions, or new ideas. If the closed mind state is prolonged, it may indicate a person's need to learn how to get in control of own behavior, and unlock the frozen creative power. By replacing the system's unconsiously learned automatic stabilizing program by a more appropriate routine, Systematic Innovation has reached right down, correcting the operating system. If I don't know math's I need an instructor showing me how to do it, not a person trying to heal my psychic state of defense. There is nothing magic about this, it is an ordinary learning procedure applied to the personal abilities.
A person with a closed mind cannot lead, independent of its level of hierarchical power, and its own opinion of being the only sane person in the world. Being in command by hierarchical level doesn't turn a person into a leader.

Recognizing Errors Within the Own Thinking Process

People seem to accept body training to improve their movements, and keep them on the desired level. In fact, intellectual abilities are even more responsive to training than the body is. This can become a part of self-organization. It is of great advantage to learn how to format the own style while there is no urgency. Though urgency produces pressure to act, it tends to get into the way of safe operation. This will result in errors, which have a habit of doubling themselves with an increasing rate. The next diagram shows this vicious circle.

The Vicious Circle Powered by Erroneus Thinking and Reasoning

Vicious Circle: Errors Generating Errors
---> Fear, Stress
Error in
& Thinking

Meteors never existed and will never exist because there are no stones in the sky.
Laplace, French Academy, Paris, 1812.
Systematic Innovation procedures enable you to stop error escalation, and the resulting waste.

A few Words on Theories and Reasoning

A theory has always to serve a practical application. Practice has priority as to what is ultimately to be achieved. First think, then act! has the priority of how to achieve it. The next morphological table shows the two links, and the duality of practice and action, and theory and thinking.

Creative Thinking and Creative Acting

Systematic Innovation is not a bundles of theories. It is 90% application, suitable for real world cases. Even during the seminar application takes up considerable time. Seminar participants will confirm this.

Visions and Missions

The knowledge of the process of visualisation is not common. Yet to recognize what makes creating a vision tick will greatly enhance the results. Innovation needs visualisation, it is a key element.

Visualizing Using Phantasy

  1. Phantasy makes something visual
  2. Phantasy builds on what is already here
  3. Lifting off into phantasy requires digging deep into reality
  4. Environment doesn't create intuition, it creates strong, rememberable emotion
  5. Creativity can be learned, to replace spontaneous bursts of hope followed by disappointment

Flashes of intuition are actually numerous and common events. The important thing about the flash is whether it will illuminate the right scenery.

Using Systematic Innovation
will give you powerful tools to guide your intuition to the required solution scenery.

Leaders / Managers

The morphology of the functions and characteristics of leadership and managing is a structure which requires certain elements (listed here as not exhaustive):
An innovative organization needs elements of leadership and management, besides some other spicy things. You may want to take up the challenge of describing what makes a leader / manager. You will need to show the common and the complementary ingredients. Once you have found your description, expose it to the grinder of a business organization run well, or poor. Now consider this description to fit just one and the same person. Describe how such a person influences an organizantion oscillating between volcanic chaos and fossiled dictatorship. Let us know what you found. Or register for a seminar.

This is a simplified morphological approach - Systematic Innovation teaches you the technique of finding what to research for, then finding the result. Once you have learned to apply the technique, you will be able to solve the mystery of leadership versus management, and apply the know-how.

The Dynamics of Management and Leadership

We don't answer the question of who is a leader and who is a manager here on the web site. Listening to people, discussions tend to be a war, and a disagreement on what the war is about. That is because the term's meanings used to describe the characteristics vary with the person using the terms. The same pattern of fuzzy approach can be found in other fields, where missions, goals, performances have to be clarified. Systematic Innovation seminars replace the fuzzy approach.

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This page last updated Januar 2005

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