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Morphological Institute Canada -- Where Innovation Matters

What are breakthrough innovations?

The examples we present here! The president of Morphological Institute Canada has been directly involved in some cases mentioned on this page. Other cases were done by similar institutes in Europe, using CanMor's systematic innovation system. It is important for you to take encouragement from what people can achieve once they set their mind to become really innovative. For printable, extended information, see below.

Check Out These
Breakthrough Innovations

Ours Theirs
Download CASES, a printable file with more information
Replaced 80 expensive components by 3 standard types, reduced handling 70%
Improved precision tenfold, and reduced calibration time
Manufacturing cost cut 50%
Saved 85 tons (65%) weight & 50% cost
Boiler made of recycled plastic burns oil clean

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Reduce Cost (80 by 3) & Enhance Process

We spotted a need to reduce cost in manufacturing small, complex electronic sensors: We replaced 80 expensive, manually selected components with 3 standard items that could be pre-mounted. Additionally we reduced handling in a chain of processes by 70%, partly by integrating immediate testing, which in turn reduced further processing of failing sensors. Comment: Seminar participants will learn Integral Innovation.

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System Accuracy Improved Tenfold

A world leading Measuring System did not meet a client's enhanced requirements. The manufacturer's own engineering division was not able to come up with solutions. The enhancement constrictions were due to a poor, preconceived design of some system components. We introduced a relatively simple, but revolutionary approach to solving the whole problem cluster at once. Practical system accuracy was improved tenfold, meaningless output signal were converted into meaningful numbers, and on-site calibration time reduced from several hours to 30 minutes. The client's expectations were exceeded.

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50 % Cost Reduction for Mechanical Part

We modified a mechanical component for 50% percent manufacturing cost savings. The specialists could not find the solution during a three year search. Value analysis and feasibility studies had dried out. Systematic Innovation lead to eliminating a three - stage forging process and the associated machinery.

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Saved 65% + 50%

A Suburban Train

was designed by Stadler in Switzerland and is being sold worldwide by Deutsche Waggonbau and AEG Schienenfahrzeuge. Stadler builds locomotives for setting up trains, rail snowmovers, and other specialities running on rails.

Stadler started 1961 with manufacturing electric and diesel locomotives. 1989 the company employed 25 people. 1995 the company with now 65 people had its break through. They designed and built a new, modular suburban train with

65 % less weight and 50% less cost
compared to currently operating trains.

Though extremely innovative, sound engineering principles guided design and construction. By eliminating prejudices and grown patterns of doing things, the approach

reduced the trains’s weight from 130 to 45 tons,
reduced work, and eliminated many expensive parts.

Licenses are sold to build the trains, as quantities of, say, 250 trains are outside Stadler’s manufacturing capacity.

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A Boiler Made of Plastic

Oil heated private households are large producers of air pollutants that contribute to global warming. Exhaust fumes must be cleaned more rigorously. The new boiler does just that. In addition, this 50 kg boiler requires only an ordinary plastic pipe for the cleaned "fumes" of 30 degrees Celsius. This low temperature indicates a very high efficiency of the heating system. The boiler is made of recycled plastic. It contains the hot water which circulats through radiators. Typical boiler capacity is 12 (single house) to 50 kilowatts for a condominium of 8 to ten units. Boilers can be cascaded for larger constructions.

To request more detailed information on any of above cases please go to Contacts, Addresses at S.I. Contents Page

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This page last updated January 2005

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