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Morphological Institute Canada -- Where Innovation Matters

Not being understood doesn't make a specialist.

Key Elements of Communication

Communication between people includes a feedback effect. If communication deteriorates, it is senseless to blame just one side. It is senseless to ask where the problem started within a feedback circuit.
Probing discussions, e.g. during a search of facts, can end in a discussion crisis. The communicators should sense that danger and be able to keep discussion, and a research process, on an appropriate level.

Systematic Innovation will enable a group of people
to discuss straight, open, and without personal "injury".

Terms and Confusions

Definition example: "Aporia", Greek word meaning "no way out". It was used by Socrates in his dialectics. He would refute various arguments about the nature of this or that and then, when everyone was thoroughly confused, he would say "We find ourselves in aporia" and would procede to look at the problem from a different aspect.

The English language tends to be a rather inexact communication tool. As larger the vocabulary, as larger the confusion seems to grow. Any translator fights with this situation - sometimes with limited success. When thoughts are being transformed into words, and back into thoughts, transformation errors happen. These need to be caught. Else they tend to play havoc with a project development process. Careless use of language fertilizes communication errors. A map of a country is not the country. The term "today" or "tomorrow" changes its point in time every day. We must realize that terms which are inexact in themselves tend to have a different meaning for every partner in a discussion. Language does not have the clarity of mathematics. Words tend to have fuzzy meanings. Proper communication takes this into account. The subject will be worked on during Systematic Innovation, because group work needs proper and dependable communication rules.

We shall also evaluate the current paradigm shift avalanche, and the new-new-new syndrom, which is far too often used to fill stale vine into new bottles.

Systematic Innovations' communication rules eliminate
the expenditure for communication trainers.

It is impossible that of two contradicting statements both can be true

Ideas Changing Heads

Language implicits forms of thinking. It is very important how ideas and researched facts, or propoals are being presented. What works in one society's pattern of values may sound ridiculous in a different one. At the same time, the persons receiving the news are required to react appropriately - so not to do damage to e.g. innovative ideas. The conditions of understanding are delicate, and important.
Innovation can find itself in trouble, if its process is not appropriate. In communication we find the element of the "unsaid". - The "unsaid" is the dark side of marketing.

It is grave egotism to demand from someone to clone a thinking style, and to clone an opinion.
Adopted from Oscar Wilde.

Morphology of 12 Transaction Processes

During the Systematic Innovation Seminar, the morphology of the 12 basic transaction processes will be presented. These 12 forms are the most important ones in business communication, out of a total of 9216 definable forms. In addition, the morphology of the five part I-structure will help to understand communication transactions. An important part is how to overcome unnecessary defense against change, etc., and prevent generating stifling fear.

The cardinal principle of every step is replacing conflict and discord by integration. Stanley - Jones.

Some dialectical methods will be discussed for mutual understanding, leading to better communication.

A group who has been educated in Systematic Innovation tends to have no communication problem.
Factual matters, definitions, etc. are appropriately clarified. Differences in view are no longer cause for personal fights.

Both, attitude and mentality influence people's behavior. The Systematic Innovation seminar will indicate how to handle these influences. S.I. will also include suggestions for meaningful presentation.

Intelligence we need in these times is not so much a matter of knowledge quantity, it is more a matter of being able to ask the relevant questions in the most exacting way.

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This page last updated March 2006

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