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Systematic Innovation Benefits

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Morphological Institute Canada -- Where Innovation Matters

Apply innovation leverage in fighting your competitor

Power Balance: Move creativity leverage point to compensate for lower resources

Here are the benefits which organisations and companies can gain if it supports innovative people in the first place. Leaders in innovation do this.

Systematic Innovation Activates
5 Major Benefit Areas

Check them out !
Company Benefits Personal Growth
Change &
Deadlocks &
& Unlocking
Your Genious
Economics of

& Commu-

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Savings -The very big ones

Here is why

Business leaders almost habitually employ management consultants to manage change. I has been shown time and again that an earthquake approach misses the goal of efficiency and speed of implementation. Threats and fear work like sand in a gearbox. They absorb power, and damage the gear, sometimes until breakdown.

Before spending money on outside (change) experts, leaders should make sure the abilities of their own, already paid people have been empowered appropriately. Don't load your emloyees - and managers of any level - with responsibilities they cannot yet cope with. Educate them first!
Nothing is easier for an outsider than to come into Patch. Inc., an organization in need of organization, being given a free hand, and then succeed with astonishing results.

Systematic Innovation enables savvy CEO's to turn the table:
Consultants and experts must find a high achievement environment which is practising continuous improvement. They should be challenged by a demanding, though cooperative, work force who is eager to develop better solutions. As a result, such expensive specialist will cost far less, especially if paid a contingency fee. In addition, specialists will have to deliver expertise on a much higher level.
Leaders want experts to deliver more for the money, without need to question their daily rate. This can be done by educating decision makers of any level to use consistently the highly efficient Systematic Innovation approach. This will lead to continuous improvement automatically.

Putting up the stakes as explained above, is just one of many techniques to make Systematic Innovation pay back continuously. To do so requires educating the people, including the leaders of any level. Else they will continuously depend on outside change managers. In a world where change is the most certain constant,

managing change is part of the core business.
Delegating management of change to someone whose priority is different from the priorities of the own organization is calling for unknown problems replacing known problems.

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Savings -The repetitive ones you never thought about

Systematic Innovation will reduce cost in areas not obvious to everyone. Some of them are listed here:

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Accelerating: Change and Innovation

Are you overwelmed with changes? Would you prefer some stablility now and then? Here is how:If you are able to accelerate preparing for, and implementing change, the intervals inbetween the individual changes will automatically become longer. You need a stable organization which will adapt itself to the requirements. Adaptibility (Change) as an integrated process.

Processes apply to manufacturing, to services, selling, and last but not least to thinking. Saving time in any of these areas will result in faster reactions to market changes, in higher adaptibility of people, and higher throughput in many areas.

It doesn't take long to understand that improving methodical thinking will quite obviously lead to better structuring of work, and any process. Development, manufacturing, etc. to mention a very few. The know-how is penetrating the daily work. A payback situation.

Avoiding / Overcoming Deadlock Situations

The process of Systematic Innovation generates an unparalleled strength to break down barriers that get into our way. Never wait until your feet are glued to a problem.
As Murphy says: A problem is when you cannot leave it a t that.
Being armed with Systematic Innovation crumbles Chinese Walls.

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Avoiding: Costly Mistakes

Avoiding all mistakes is hardly economical. Since small mistakes are more easily to detect, they tend to get an unproportional attraction. Mistakes that will haunt us in a growing way in the future are more difficult to detect. Analysing and researching risk areas is definitely not easy. Avoiding costly mistakes in place of correcting them is all the more important. Reducing risk means first of all categorizing it. Let us list some of the

Systematic Innovation first of all separates the risk levels involved. It ascertains the resource level is appropriate to the importance of the matter at hand. The goal is to avoid overreaction, and neglect. In addition, the results are documented for reconsideration at a later date.

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Empowering People

People who are better educated lead a healthier life, are more dedicated to their work, and more committed to the organization they work with. They are able to rely on themselves. Systematic Innovation is as much a personality building tool as it is a means to be more innovative. Being able to find better solutions faster eases the demands of life. Ever so often people - company leaders - dare not to face certain problem, for want of a good night's sleep. If they knew how to find solutions, they would take the problem by its horns.

The use of Systematic Innovation is a win - win situation for the organization, and for the individual. Ability to manage life using exactly the same tools for the own best progress will provide more peace of mind, and consequently higher productivity and efficiency at work, with less stress, and less errors. These are the most important benefits of Systematic Innovation, because they are at the root. These benefits will pay back from every activity - a real win-win situation. In fact, continuous application of Systematic Innovation pays off handsomely for itself, over and over, in currency and other values.

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People: Unlocking Your Genious

Energize your personal power of problem solving.

We won't tell you what you should do. There are millions of authors out there who do just that. Check it out! Better yet, save your money for something that shows you how to do! We will show you how to do it, step by step. Read on!

Any person willing to learn can master Systematic Innovation. Learning Systematic Innovation is a systematic process in itself.

Here is an attempt to explain to you how to apply Systematic Innovation as a means to getting in control of an innovative, rewarding life. It explains the learning of Systematic Innovation by using analogue examples of how we train our body. Then it describes what Systematic Innovation consists of. Finally you will read how and where Systematic Innovation is applied. That is where you will ripen your benefits!

You typically exercise your body, and are using special training methods to keep it in good shape. Some people play hockey, or golf, or spend their money at fitness centres.
Every path to success requires special training know- how, provided by specialized coaches. You should always want to learn the best way right from start. The coach leads you through a program that builds your behaviour control and problem solving abilities step by step. In matters of our body we acknowledge the need to spend time, to listen, and to practice. When coached we realize that we need to practice new routines regularly, and in the way our coach recommends. Although practising may make us feel worked out at times, we tend to feel all the better for it.

These personal benefits you develop during this coaching will remain with you whereever life leads you. Nobody can steal this know- how from you. Brainsurgeons excepted. It is your well guarded treasure, which you can take with you if you decide to move. You can apply the same innovation system for your private and your business matters.

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Economics: Health and Work

If you are spending a considerable time of you life in an organization, its health and climate affects your health, never mind whether you are a leader, or are being lead. Body training can compensate lacking exercise. Mind training will make your attitude immune to affects of stupidity.

Excellent musicians and athletes practice regularly through all their career.

To learn Systematic Innovation requires a one time introduction by a coach. Practicing Systematic Innovation means applying the aquired know-how daily in the real world, where the real challenge is. There is no "dry practice" required. Learning Systematic Innovation, and its step by step progress, provide an enjoyable experience. Experience the joy of applying Systematic Innovation to lead an innovative lifestyle. While the body's muscles are facing limits in growth, the brain has in all practice an unlimited learning capacity - so

you have an unlimited resource for joy.

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Economics: Efficient Communication

Mastering Systematic Innovation includes improving the ability to discuss competently and creatively - keeping on track of the subject without missing important details. Whether it is at your place of work, or at some other area where you are dealing with people, Systematic Innovation enables you with a better control of your communication style. Matters like empathy, emotional intelligence and competence are included, part of the introduction seminar. Whether your interlocutors are superordinates or subordinates, you will be able to handle what it takes.

This page last updated January 2005

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